Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday Funny

So this lady says that the other day she saw a man driving down the interstate at high speed with a dog hanging on to the tail gate for dear life..

She said if he hadn't been going so fast in the other direction she would have tried to stop him.

A few weeks later her son see's the same truck at the bass pro shop!

The guy is a taxidermist!


Lisa said...

would that not just creap you out??? We have a Bass Pro just a few miles away, one in OKC and one in Broken Arrow. But I bet they can neither compare to the original in Springfield, MO.

Tonjia said...

OMG! LOL I used to live across the street from a taxidermist, we never knew what we would see leaning against his shop building. LOL

Reddirt Woman said...

I can imagine what a shock that would cause someone... It's funny now but I bet if I'd seen it on the Interstate I would have freaked out. I'm glad the mystery was solved and it wasn't someone abusing a dog.


Unknown said...

Crazy story!
Thanks for sharing!

~AirmanMom returning to her blog...

Reddirt Woman said...

That is still a funny story...