What I remember about this Christmas...Shay was really sick and on Christmas Eve day I had taken her to the doctor. They gave us some medicine and sent us home. I needed to go to the store to get some lasts minute gifts so my mom stayed home with Shay. I got home and mom was frantic. We didn't have cell phones back then so she could not call me. I had not been gone that long. Shay was running a fever and was having trouble breathing. You could see her chest suck in with each breath. I was so scared. I called the doctors office and spoke with the same doctor we had seen earlier. I told him all I wanted to know was what hospital I should take her to if her fever did not break in the next 30 minutes. He started to say something, but I told him all I wanted to know was which hospital to go to. He told me Childrens and I hung up the phone.
Exactly 30 minutes later the fever broke and as is the way with most kids, you would have never known she was sick. I was so thankful for that moment. It was the first time she scared the crap out of me. There have been others and I am sure there will be more.
The other thing I remember about her first christmas was that I went WAY overboard. I had been buying things over the couple of months before christmas. And with babies their stuff is very inexpensive. By the time I got all the gifts around the tree I was feeling so guilty. I did not realize how much stuff I had gotten. I hope I can find a picture of that tree.
Love the story of Shay's first Christmas-what a cute baby she was!
My oldest was also sick during her first holiday season-seems we spent the weeks between halloween 1989 until well into January 1990 making bi-weekly dr. visits.
It is hard to watch them be so sick as babies and not be able to tell you what is going on.
Thanks for sharing-it is good to look back they grow up so darn fast!
She is/was so damn cute!!
She is so adorable. Great first Christmas story.
She is so adorable. Great first Christmas story.
Thanks for sharing this story! Such a pretty baby! It amazes me, as I look into my children's eyes today, I go back to so many moments...as though they were yesterday.
~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
Isn't it fun to remember back to the early days? Shae was a very pretty baby, I love the picture! I will try to find one of my first Christmas pictures of the kids since you have started the heartstrings to pulling!
isnt she just the sweetest little thing! I love her dimples.
Aww this is precious. Don't we all go overboard on their Christmas's? David was only 4 months his first Christmas and had gazillions of toys LOL!
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