So I finally got around to downloading pictures from my camera. These were pictures from my trip to Wright Patterson AFB to see my daughter last weekend and pictures from Yappy Hour at The Dog Water. It is a sports pub that allows dogs on special occasions. This was the first time we went. Well, it appears that my camera has not been cooperating with me because hardly any of the pictures I took turned out viewable. I will share with you the ones that did turn out semi ok.
This is the hospital at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

This is the sign outside the entry way to the collection area where my airman was working. She would nto let me take one of her in the lab.

This one is so bad but it is the only one of our night at the Dinner Theater so I had to share.

This is a little bulldog puppy at The Dog Water. He was so cute I could not resist.

I had to take a picture of the only wiener dog that was there. I now know so many people that have them.

Michelle, you failed to deter me. Even GLOOMY, it still looks better than snowy Maine!!!
And way cute wiener!!
And yes, fly me down whenever and I'll purge your house for you!
Love the pictures girl and the one of you and Shay is PERFECT! Nothing wrong with it :)
Seeing the ocean really made me realize I need to get out of here! Oh, if I ever live that close again I could walk forever...and be so content. I think I'll move LOL. Especially if David gets Charleston!
Getting blogger savy uh? Posting a video....WTG lady!
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