Friday, August 29, 2008
A new Blogger
Go visit her at A1C Shay and tell her what you think or how you feel.
That is about all I have for this Friday. Well, it is actually Saturday because it is after midnight but who is counting minutes, right?
Anna and I are going to the Tampa Rays Baseball game this afternoon. She has never been. Hope to have some photos for you on Sunday.
Hugs to all and props to the candidates.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I finished Jury Duty, Finally
Anyway, Home at 7, PBJ for dinner and then helped Anna with her homework. AND now I need to get to bed.
Jury Duty Update
At 11:00am my name was called, along with about 19 other people. We were told what judge we would be assigned to and to have a seat and the bailiff would be back to get us. About 30 minutes later they called another group of people, told them what judge and then told them to go to lunch and be back at 1pm. A few minutes later they called our group and told us to go to lunch and be back. (I am back).
I want to set the record straight, I am not complaining about doing this. I am lucky in that my employer (the good old government) will pay me while I am here. I believe it is our civic duty and hope that IF I ever have to have a jury that those peers of mine will feel privileged to be there judging me. If you ever get the chance to do this, you should. But I like to figure out puzzles and solve problems.
I also just happen to be reading Randy Pausch's The Last Lecture and at lunch I read section 54 that talked about Jury Duty. Ok Randy, I get it. H says that we all believe we have the right to a jury trial but go to great lengths to get out of it.
It is almost 1pm so I better close down for now.
I did get good news while I was here. My Airman (Shay) has passed her final exam (I had no doubt) and all she has left is to finish her section of clinicals and then to outprocess and graduate on Sep 23rd. These kids are SO READY to get out of school.
Bye for now.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Jury Duty

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Another candidate for President
Friday, August 22, 2008
Skywatch Friday

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Nothing, Nadda, Ziltch

Monday, August 18, 2008
Storm Update

I should have saved it for Skywatch.
Tropical Storm Fay

Exchange Student Picnic
Thursday we had Orientation at the High School and walked the schedule and met all of the Teachers. Then on Friday we went back when it was not crowded and walked the route from class to class again. Here is Anna in front of the school.
There were 13 students there and all of their host families as well. Anna is in the middle of the back row. There were students from Germany, Switzerland and other places that I don't remember.
They took the kids to another area and gave the parents a speech and the students got the same speech with a different slant. Basically it is, follow the rules, no back talk, the do's and don'ts, etc.
Today we had to go shopping for some more shirts and some jeans. We have most of the school supplies that she will need.
Tomorrow is the first day of school and Anna is a little nervous. Everyone that we met so far has been really nice so I don't think she has a reason to be scared. I know that doesn't help her though.
We are doing good. It is a little bit of an adjustment getting used to having a teenager in the house again. But Anna is making it easy.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Congratulations Hallie!!!

In other news in Shaysmas life:
....Anna is settling in. Since I am at work all day she is left to fend for herself. Unfortunately, this gives her time to think and she thinks about how much she misses her family and friends and Sabastian (bf). Today she is going shopping with some friends so that should help and then tonight we have Orientation at the high school. I am off tomorrow and as soon as I get the lawn mowed we will be heading out to see Tampa.
....You can't plan when it comes to the Air Force. Shay has been scheduled to graduate from Tech School on Sep 23rd. This has been the date since she arrived at Wright Patterson on January 4th, 2008. Then came word that they would graduate on the 19th because their NCOIC will be on leave the next week. So I look up new flight times. Then it comes down that so and so's father already got his ticket so graduation is now set for Sep 22nd. Ok, I look at more flights. Then comes the txt msg that says "don't buy your ticket yet". I realize that it is a month away but the price for tickets keeps going up. I don't think it is going to go down. Plus I have to schedule the time off from work. That is my rant for the day. I will keep you all posted!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
This is awesome. You have to watch it carefully though so pay attention
Well, did you lean in really close? Did you jump back? Gotcha!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Anna has arrived
The big day came and Anna arrived. The flight even arrived a little early (unheard of) and she arrived totally exhausted. The time change coupled with the 2 days of sight seeing in New York made for one tired young lady.
We went to lunch at Applebees and then headed home. It was time to meet my other three kids, Brutus, Molly and Binde. They like her alot.
Then Wes had to leave to make the 8 hour drive back to Alabama and Anna and I went through the pantry to see what we had vs what she liked. We made a grocery list and then headed to the Verizon store to get her a cell phone. She had been using her Swedish one which is probably going to be costly.
With that taken care of we went to the grocery store. We picked up a good selection of fruit and some veggies and the usual, bread, milk, yogurt and I had to introduce her to Pop Tarts. I know, not the most nutritious of things. We had salmon for dinner and Anna had broccoli.
After dinner I wanted her to meet at least one of the neighbors so that she knew someone else in case she needed something while I am at work. Our neighbors have a little 3 year old girl who is adorable. Well, she just hugged up on Anna and danced for her. Her parents had never seen her like this before. I guess Anna might get a babysitting gig out of the deal.
Today she is on her own to catch up on her sleep and unpack her things. I will try to introduce her to some of the other young adults in the neighborhood tonight.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Men Are Mean
Tell me the truth, if this were you what would you do?
I have a feeling if that were my husband, he might be enjoying the features of the couch for a few nights. How about you?
Now here I caught Molly as she was watching Tonjia's Max get excited. Tonjia got one of the Flip camera's and was playing with it. Does not take much to make us happy.
And finally a little show from tonights storm.
Enjoy your Wed. I have to go to the high school to register Anna. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Five Songs
And don't tell me that you don't secretly sing along to this one if it plays on the radio - We've Only Just Begun.
My next love was Donny Osmond and my favorite was Puppy Love
And who could resist Shawn Cassidy and the hair. Do You Believe in Magic and DaDoRonRon
One of my all time favorites (and karaoke favorites) is I don't Wanna Play House.
My all time favorite artist has always been Reba McEntire. I got re-hooked on country music when she came out with Whoever's in New England and my very first Karaoke staple was Take It Back and I actually had a fan club on Friday nights at the club and these three gals would always come up and sing my back up for me.
About the same time that Reba came out with Whoevers in New England another lady was coming out with a song that would forever change my life. Amy Grant and Sharayah. Listen and see why named my only born Sharayah.
Thanks Kim-D for allowing me this trip down memory lane and thanks Hallie for giving me the YouTube idea. I really enjoyed this. If we are all ever together we definatly will have to go karaoke.
Now I challenge others to come up with their favorites and blog about it.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Law and Order
What do you do when hubby has been gone 1 week (39 more to go)? Well, Saturday I mowed and edged the lawn. Got done just before the storms came through. Washed dishes. How can one person use so many dishes? Went to the movies (by myself) and saw Wanted. I was pleasantly surprised. Sunday, I dremeled the dogs nails (all three of them, dogs that is), cleaned the refrigerator, ironed some clothes and played on the internet for awhile.
And I watched all of the Law and Order that I had DVR'd. Here is a video of what my Molly does every time she hears the theme song to Law and Order. She likes Criminal Intent the best. Be sure and pause the music so you can hear it better.
She could be sound asleep and that song will come on and she pops right up. Sometimes hubby will play it over and over just to watch her watch the TV. She will turn her head at the twangy notes. Funy dog.
So, that was my weekend. What did you do?
Saturday, August 2, 2008
More of my Baby