Do you remember where you were when you heard? I do and always will. I was still in bed. I lived in Seattle, WA and hubby had just left for work. The Today Show was on TV and I was just waking up and thinking about getting out of bed. I lazily rolled over and was listening to Katie and Matt when they talked about a plane hitting one of the towers. So I was looking at the screen thinking that some idiot in a small plane just did the most stupid thing. Then all of a sudden we saw the other plane fly into the other building. That day forever changed my life. I had just returned from a trip to Japan. I still had friends that were there. They were stuck for an extra week. Luckily they were able to stay with relatives.
I did not know anyone who died in New York but my husband had recently met MG Maud who perished at the Pentagon.
So, when you sit in your nice comfy home and wonder why we are still fighting over there...REMEMBER
Amen, Michelle, Amen. I remember and will never forget. And, yes, that's why we're still fighting over there. God forbid it from ever happening again!
You are absolutely right Michelle. I will never forget. I was at work watching Good Morning America when it flashed across the screen. I remember calling the boys dad because his mom lives in New York and telling him to get out of bed and turn on the tv.
God Bless the families of the people that lost their lives that day.
Thank you Michelle... simple truth. Necessary message!
Thank you to each airman, soldier, sailor and marine.
~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
I too remember, I think those of us that went through this will never forget that day. Most certainly a life changing moment. Just like when Timothy McVeigh blew up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. time stood still for the next week didn't it. I did nothing but watched it all on tv all week. Day and night. Never turned the tv off.
Hi Michelle!
I also remember this terrible day. I was at a management training, actually the first day and our plan was to have a welcome dinner but we canceled it and looked at the news the whole evening instead. May it never happen again!
Anders (Annas father)
we will always remember Michelle... always.
I watched the second plane, too. I will never forget it. Never. Thanks for the reminder. We must all encourage each other to never forget.
You are so right!!! I will never forget where I was. I was a church at a ladies Bible study that was about to start. One of the Pastors came in and told us what was going on and told us we should all go home.
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